Novas tecnologias e aplicações de materiais de poliuretano e produtos de poliuretano

- 2021-08-11-

Novas tecnologias e aplicações depoliuretano materials and poliuretano products

Poliuretanomaterials [that is, high molecular polymers containing urethane groups and -NHCOO in the main chain of macromolecules] have developed rapidly since the industrial production was not released on the market in the 1950s. Compared with polymer rubber materials, it has its own unique characteristics. It can use different numbers of functional groups and different types of functional groups according to different performance requirements, and use different production processes to produce poliuretano products with different properties and properties.

Among rubber rubber types, there are poliuretano rubber varieties that can be cross-linked. There are also those that are not in the category of rubber, such as foam plastics, rigid plastic products, coatings, high resilience synthetic fibers, artificial leather, adhesives, and so on.

Os materiais de poliuretano são amplamente usados ​​em vários campos. Por exemplo, na indústria aeroespacial, seus produtos rígidos, produtos macios e produtos de espuma são mais leves do que os materiais de metal, [muito importante para aeronaves] e têm alta resiliência e não inflamabilidade. , Isolamento de alta resistência e temperatura ultrabaixa, etc., usado para capôs ​​de aeronaves, freios de velocidade, radomes, enchimentos de tanques de combustível de aeronaves, bóias de vaporizador de controle de consumo de combustível, etc., bem como várias estruturas de suporte e almofadas de assento para decoração interna . É usado para preservação de calor na indústria de transporte.Poliuretanoos materiais são inseparáveis ​​dos materiais e almofadas dos assentos, da fabricação de móveis domésticos e até mesmo de preservativos adultos de alta qualidade e pneus. E o recente desenvolvimento e uso de produtos em acessórios de amortecimento e absorção de choques automotivos têm atraído mais atenção.

Although there are many types of poliuretano products, the classification of its products is nothing more than:

Flexible foam products, rigid products, and elastomers [thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanizable elastomers EU, AU]. The product molding equipment, such as mixing poliuretano rubber, is generally solid and can be vulcanized with sulfur, peroxide, and polyisocyanate. It can be designed according to the conventional rubber product production process and formula. If it is a thermoplastic elastomer, it can be injection or compression molding. If it is a plastic poliuretano, ele pode ser produzido por um método de fundição.poliuretano foam products as an example, the composition of the formula, the main reactants of which are polyether, polyester, or other polyols; and polyisocyanates. Others include water [chain extender], crosslinking agent, catalyst, foam stabilizer, external blowing agent, flame retardant, mold release agent, coloring agent, etc. The production process is generally two-component liquid reaction molding. That is to say, one group is that the polyol polymer and the isocyanate are mixed and reacted first, and then the above reactants are mixed with another group including water, blowing agent, stabilizer, catalyst, and various auxiliary agents to produce organic carbamate. At the same time, the reactants such as urea group use the reaction to generate carbon dioxide, release a large amount of heat, vaporize the added blowing agent, and then use the catalyst to adjust the foaming speed, and finally complete the product with uniform foam structure. At present, the automobile manufacturing industry has continuously improved safety, comfort, and durability, and has high requirements for durability in high-strength working conditions of shock-absorbing and damping elastomer parts. A new type of shock absorber made of poliuretano flexible foam has appeared in foreign markets. Its physical and mechanical properties and damping effect are slightly better than rubber damping accessories. The product requires a density of 0.08g 丿cm3, a material compression of 5%, a compressive strength of more than 7Kpa, the product works normally at -20-40 "degrees", the product's compression set is not more than 10%, and it has oil resistance. Under pressure impact, no fracture occurs. The production process is not special. The key lies in its main reaction material. Currently, BASF is monopolizing the production and supply. BASF also learns from DuPont's market supply principle of perfluoroether rubber, which is to sell only finished products, not raw materials. , In order to achieve the reduction of market competitors.

Este novo tipo depoliuretanoAs peças de espuma flexível de absorção de choque para automóveis adotam um processo de moldagem de "uma etapa" avançado, ou seja, todos os componentes das matérias-primas na formulação, como isocianato, polímero de poliol, extensor de cadeia, catalisador, estabilizador de espuma e outros. O agente auxiliar é medido de acordo com a fórmula, com isocianato como um componente separado, e vários agentes auxiliares, como polímero de poliol, água, agente de sopro auxiliar, extensor de cadeia, surfactante, catalisador, etc. são pré-preparados em um componente e, em seguida, Adicionar no tanque de reação e adicione o agente espumante em seguida. Após agitação e mistura em alta velocidade, o processo de reação de espumação é realizado. Este processo de produção de uma etapa é particularmente adequado para o processamento de acessórios com formas complexas e pequenas especificações. No método de moldagem, o líquido misturado é injetado diretamente em um molde com uma forma complicada e, em seguida, espumado na cavidade do molde para a formação. Produtos feitos por este método. As especificações e dimensões são precisas, podendo também ser utilizado como produtos embutidos em metal conforme a necessidade.

Poliuretanoproducts are currently widely used and the market demand is also large. Although my country started late, it has developed rapidly. Its global market share has reached more than a quarter. It has become the world's largest manufacturing and consumer market for poliuretano products. However, there is still a gap between the key main reaction materials and the advanced foreign level, and the industry needs to work hard to innovate and develop.It is reported that retreading tires with poliuretano material as tread rubber has better wear resistance and environmental protection than natural rubber. This innovative research and development has opened up a new way for retreading. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the poliuretano industry will have more room for development.
